Essential Art

Button Craft Project
Suggestions for design tracing: cookie cutters
Assorted sizes of colored buttons
Background: (size optional) Card Stock Paper, Canvas board,
Picture frame insert, terra cotta or ceramic pots.
Glue or Glue Gun
Trace out the design on basic paper
Then trace the design on the preferred background
Arrange the buttons on the basic paper design.
Glue traced area on background area.
Transfer the buttons into the background area. Let dry 24 hrs.

Terra Cotta Flower Pot Project
Terra-Cotta pot (size optional)
Acrylic paint or Permanent colored markers
Assorted paint brushes
Sponge piece or folded cloth dab
Dry 24 hours
Outdoor use: seal with mat Mode Podge
Trace your design or free hand paint

Wine Cork Trivet
Approximately 21-22 used wine corks (preferably cork although plastic logo corks works as well)
Elmer’s glue (Multi-Purpose/Extra Strong Formula)
One – 5 1/2 inch x 6 inch cork base
Set your design on paper next to cork base
Spread glue (generously) on cork base
Firmly place corks on glued area and place dab of glue in between corks.
Let dry 24 hours
Seal corked area with mat Mode Podge let dry and seal cork base.
Pine Cone Bird Feeder
(3) large paper plates
(1) or more if desired- Pine Cones (any size)
Wooden popsicle stick or butter spreader
(1) jar of crunchy peanut butter or (1) stick of softened vegetable shortening (Crisco)
All Purpose Bird Seed
Cut twine to length for handing pine cone.
Wrap twine under top of pine scales and tie.
At the desired length make a loop and tie or leave length to tie around a branch.
Plate #1: Crunchy Peanut Butter or Vegetable Shortening
Plate #2 Bird Seed
Plate #3 Finished pine cone
After attaching twine to cone, roll cone and coat with crunchy peanut butter or shortening
Then roll coated pine cone in bird seed
Press in the bird seed and it may take a few rolls
Hang from branch or garden hook.
Note Cards
Card Stock Paper,or Construction Paper, or Paper Bag Paper
Colored Pencils, Colored Markers, Stickers, Yarn, String, Ribbon.
Cookie Cutters for design tracing (optional)
Glue (Regular or glue stick)
Photo (optional)
Cut paper to note size
Trace your design or just let the creative juices flow!