An August 1916 article in the Citizen paints a happy picture of camp life: “Yesterday was the first day of camp life for most of the girls and it was a busy one as in the afternoon they tramped up and down Edgewater Glen and in the evening there was a rowboat-moonlight-serenade party on the lake.”
One of the most popular days of camp was visitors day when residents of Auburn and Cayuga County could enjoy some of the camp’s offerings and be entertained by the campers. An excerpt from the Citizen August 25, 1916 reads:
“On a stage of evergreens with a background of four trees was performed a merry little playlet presenting Little John (Janet Rust) and Robin Hood, (Mary Gibb) a-Begging in the Greenwood. An audience of about 50 men, women and children sat under the trees and watched the performance. People came by train, motor, row boats and motor boats to see the affair. The ones who came by boat were for the most part landed behind the scenes which didn’t seem to bother the young actresses in the least.”
While camp life was meant to be a fun and relaxing time for these hard-working young women, they still took time to contribute to important needs such as making surgical bandages for the Red Cross.
Various other groups used Edgewater when the girls from the WEIU weren’t in residence. From 1918 to 1940 the Cayuga County chapter of the Girl Scouts spent time at the camp. This log from their stay in 1921 features entries by each camper detailing their activities for the day.