Plant Your Legacy

Support our efforts to restore the historic natural character of the Cayuga Museum property, and make this a place where future generations can come to enjoy the distinctive beauty of our campus. We offer multiple naming opportunities for you or your loved ones: hydrangeas, trees, and gardens. Take a look through this page and check out the many ways you can recognize yours or your family’s legacy.

Naming Opportunities

Bobo Hardy Hydrangea  $500

Available Naming Opportunities: 53 (of 54)

Payment Renewal Cycle: 3 years

Name recognition will be displayed on a plaque at the base of the hydrangea bush, and will include the common and scientific name of the bush as well as the name of the person being honored. You will be notified when your sign is being placed so you may visit your naming opportunity.  If you would like to name a hydrangea bush, click one of the buttons below to submit your form of interest.

Online Form of InterestPrint-Out Form of InterestCurrent Legacies Planted

Accolade Flowering Cherry Trees $1,200

Available Naming Opportunities: 14 (of 15)

Payment Renewal Cycle: 5 years

Name recognition will be displayed on a plaque at the base of the cherry tree, and will include the common and scientific name of the tree as well as the name of the person being honored. You will be notified when your sign is being placed so you may visit your naming opportunity. If you would like to name a cherry tree, click one of the buttons below to submit your form of interest.

Online Form of InterestPrint-Out Form of InterestCurrent Legacies Planted

Spring Snow Crabapple Trees $1,500

Available Naming Opportunities: 1 (of 2)

Payment Renewal Cycle: 5 years

Name recognition will be displayed on a plaque at the base of the crabapple tree, and will include the common and scientific name of the tree as well as the name of the person being honored. You will be notified when your sign is being placed so you may visit your naming opportunity. If you would like to name a crabapple tree, click one of the buttons below to submit your form of interest.

Online Form of InterestPrint-Out Form of InterestCurrent Legacies Planted

Benches $5,000

Available Naming Opportunities: 2

Payment Renewal Cycle: 10 years

Name recognition will be displayed on a plaque on the bench, and will include the name of the person being honored. You will be notified when your sign is being placed so you may visit your naming opportunity. If you would like to name a bench, click one of the buttons below to submit your form of interest.

Online Form of InterestPrint-Out Form of Interest

East Garden $10,000

Available Naming Opportunities: 1

Payment Renewal Cycle: 10 years

Name recognition will be displayed on a plaque in the east garden at the base of the Museum’s iconic Tiffany window, and will include the name of the person being honored, as well as an interpretive panel exploring the history of the garden. You will be notified when your sign is being placed so you may visit your naming opportunity. If you would like to name the east  garden, click one of the buttons below to submit your form of interest.

Online Form of InterestPrint-Out Form of Interest

Frequently Asked Questions

What will my naming opportunity support?

Funds from naming opportunities will go directly to support landscaping efforts as part of our West End Arts Campus capital project. As part of this project, expanded, historically accurate greenery and public benches and plazas will be added to provide a safe, attractive space for all visitors to gather and celebrate the arts in our community. In the long term, after all elements of this project are implemented, naming opportunities will go towards a general capital fund to support the Cayuga Museum’s historic preservation efforts.

How do I show my interest in a specific naming opportunity?

Select one of the available naming opportunities on this page that is most interesting to you. This will open a form where you will be able to submit all the information we need to create a plaque. Museum staff will review the information, and an acknowledgement email will be sent to confirm receipt and clarify any questions staff may have about your naming opportunity.

Am I able to purchase a naming opportunity for someone else or an organization?

Absolutely! Is this naming opportunity for someone else as a gift or as a memorial for someone since passed? There is a section in each form to make this a naming opportunity “In-Memoriam” or “In Honor” of someone. If you would like to purchase a naming opportunity for your business, a foundation, a community group, a family or any other kind of group you are perfectly welcome to do that too.

What is the preferred method of payment?

Due to the higher dollar levels of these transactions, for security purposes and to make sure as much of your contribution goes to the museum, we request that you make payments with a check either via mail or in-person. If you would prefer to make a direct deposit, we will work directly with you to get the information for the transaction.

How long do I have until payment needs to be received?

Payment in full must be received no later than 30 days after a form submission. If payment will be received after this time, it must be communicated with Museum staff, otherwise the naming opportunity will be considered available for others who might be interested.

What is a payment renewal cycle?

Naming opportunities are considered temporary investments in our long term efforts to maintain and sustain the Cayuga Museum property, and like any contribution must be made regularly to create a secure network of support. As a result, naming opportunities will only be on display for a limited number of years until they must be renewed. Current supporters of naming opportunities will be given the first right of refusal when their regular payment is up for renewal.

Contact Information

Geoff Starks
Director of Development and Outreach
p. (315) 253-8051